Tag Archive | family relationships

Valentines Day Did Not Blow


lilleeandchrisConsidering my recent state of singledom and the annoying present returns I had to do after getting dumped, I was pleasantly surprised that Valentine’s Day did not make me cranky. I was able to smile and laugh a bit at all the guys in line for flowers.

I stayed up late getting all fangirly with my niece about out mutual love of The Walking Dead, which might be the best way to spend Valentine’s ever.

The great Lego Simpsons’s House build with my nephew helped provide a fun distraction as well. I might have been a tad bit annoying with my quality control checks but the house is better for it.

No bitterness or even snark here. Could it be I am moving past the crappy breakup of 2014? Fingers crossed.

Timeout For Family

Prompted by my breakup as well as my desire to rejuvenate my family relationships, I decided to take a mini road trip and visit my family. I was dreading the hours in the car alone with my thoughts and also dreading the high winds and blowing snow. While the weather was worse than I had expected, the time alone was not too bad and I managed to find some music to enjoy.

Watching my much younger sister navigate her life is quite inspiring. Kids, job, house, she juggles it all and manages to keep a sense of humor and calm. I am not sure how she does it, but I am impressed. It is cool to be inspired by your siblings now and again.

There is probably an inspirational quote or two that are fitting but I will just leave it at this and not get grossly gushy.